Taming the Sugar Tiger (UPDATED)

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It isn't easy facing our 'addictions' but we can, together and we can learn why we are so drawn to those behaviors. You can be addicted to anything -- sugar, exercise, alcohol, anger, procrastination, loneliness, drugs, people, your cell phone, TV...the list goes on.

Ask yourself this, What in my life is out of balance?

Is perfectionism out of balance, yes, perfectionism is an addiction. Addictions can show up to positive traits being out of balance, as well as, the negative habits that occupy our time.

In this Healing Meditation with Energy Expert, Lisa Thomas, you will discover new ways to release what is holding you back and keeping you attached to unhealthy behaviors.


Lisa Thomas is a sought-after epigenetics expert, speaker, author, and transformational leader who contributes to society by facilitating accelerated healing.

Through the expansion of self-awareness, people are empowered to embrace collaboration and contribute to transforming the future of society.

She has helped thousands of people worldwide to achieve their business and life goals by releasing Inherited Emotional DNA, such as fear of success, fear of failure, anxiety, procrastination, fear of public speaking, false money beliefs, relationship drama, and business stagnation.

Lisa achieves this within her small-group programs, private coaching, Infinite Opulence – Healing Activation products and her Soul Awakening Method ( ™) Certification for healers. She lives in Los Angeles, California, with her husband and family.

Lisa has been featured on Good Morning LaLa Land, Allie & You, Dare to Dream, Inspired Conversations, Spirit Purpose Energy, as well as other stages and podcasts. Her book, Mistakes Into Money, is available on Amazon.


All rights reserved. No part of any Healing Meditation, or previously known Healing Circles, may be used or reproduced by any means, converting to document form, electronic, or mechanical; including re-recording, taping or any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of Lisa Thomas or her legal team.

(c) Beyond Cellular Healings and Lisa Thomas Energy Healing by Lisa Thomas

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Taming the Sugar Tiger (UPDATED)

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